Gender and Communication Rights

  • Development discourse on gender and communication in strategies for social change

    Development discourse on gender and communication in strategies for social change

    This paper explores institutional discourse on the role of gender in constructions of development communication beneficiaries and on the process of social change facilitated through communication intervention. Analyses are based on descriptions of health, nutrition, and population projects implemented by several organizations since 1975.

    by Karin Wilkins

  • Empowering Women through ICT Education: Facilitating Computer Adoption

    Empowering Women through ICT Education: Facilitating Computer Adoption

    ICTs provide knowledge and resources that hold potential for women 's empowerment. Access to technology is not only the availability of hardware, but a training approach that facilitates computer adoption. This study examined the adoption of computer technology by novice urban women.

    by Farida Umrani, Rehana Ghadially

  • Recovering women's voice: communicative empowerment of women of the South

    Recovering women's voice: communicative empowerment of women of the South

    This chapter argues for focusing on the communicative empowerment of "women of the South" (women living in poverty and deprivation in every region of the world) in the conviction that it is by learning from these women that alternative visions for a more just and sustainable future can be created. 

    by Rashmi Luthra

  • Using women as middle men: the real promise of ICTS

    Using women as middle men: the real promise of ICTS

    This essay briefly examines two elements of the discourse of female empowerment through information technology: the ideology of connectivity and the related belief that information and communication technologies-in and of themselves-provide solutions to global poverty.

    by Jonathan Sterne, Carol Stabile

  • Gender-Net: A Political Goal of Communication Technologies

    Gender-Net: A Political Goal of Communication Technologies

    Gender discrimination determines women's exclusion in all societies and social estates, so that women constitute the poorest people. It comprises an almost insurmountable impediment for the enjoyment of all kinds of resources, among them technological ones and, in particular, communication technologies. 

    by Dora Inés Munévar M. , Juan Aburto Arrieta

  • Information and Communication Technologies: A Priority for Women

    Information and Communication Technologies: A Priority for Women

    This article looks at the current situation of women and the digital divide. How can ICTs support social development? How can they be used by women to help meet livelihood needs? After a survey of the current efforts to increase women's access to ICTs, the conclusion is that using ICTs to support women's productive activities should be seen as a priority area.

    by Sophia Huyer, Marilyn Carr

  • Gender Setting: New Agendas for Media Monitoring and Advocacy

    Gender Setting: New Agendas for Media Monitoring and Advocacy

    This book focuses on media portrayals of gender, arguing that there is a role for local action to promote diversity in media content.

    by Margaret Gallagher

  • Women Empowering Communication

    Women Empowering Communication

    A reasonably comprehensive regional overview of developments in the field of women and communication from approximately 1985 to 1995.
    by Margaret Gallagher, Lilia Quindoza-Santiago


Communication rights enable all people everywhere to express themselves individually and collectively by all means of communication. They are vital to full participation in society and are, therefore, universal human rights belonging to every man, woman, and child.


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