Citizen journalism has radically altered traditional news and information flows, encouraging greater interaction and interdependence. What challenges does this development pose?
The overlap between citizen journalists and traditional journalists can lead to a future in which many voices through many channels help keep the dual principles of free and responsible speech alive and well.
Any conclusions dismissing citizen journalism or audience participation in the media are still too early. At the same time, glorifying citizen journalism as a replacement of traditional journalism is premature. Predicting the future of the media is impossible.
Social networking media in conjunction with news blogs and citizen journalists are affecting not only the reporting of news but also the stability and legitimacy of dominant media outlets and governing elites.
In the Arab World, a combination of conditions has helped reconfigure the world of media bringing a stronger interactivity and alliance between citizen journalists and traditional Arab media.
The history of what we now call citizen journalism is enlightening and should be comforting to the modern scribe. The theory that grounds it is both solid and humanistic.