This article develops six models of how digital technologies might affect democratic politics.
This Policy Advocacy Toolkit encourages women and their organizations to engage in a political discussion about the promotion of internet development with a vision of inclusion, fairness and respect for human rights.
Fruto de dos seminarios realizados en octubre de 2011 y febrero de 2012 y organizados por el Observatorio Nacional de Medios, de la Fundación UNIR Bolivia, en alianza con la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar.
If the communication processes in society are diluted or non-existent, the capacity for inclusive and equitable sharing of knowledge and experience, and for vital democratic participation in political, economic and cultural decision-making, is diminished.
Background to the right to communicate debate, its transition to the call for a New World Information and Communication Order and its revival during the World Summit on the Information Society, together with a proposed new approach.