Why are communication rights vital to the self-determination of indigenous peoples?Indigenous peoples often suffer from poor political representation and participation, economic marginalization and poverty, lack of access to social services and cultural discrimination.
What are 'communication rights'? How do they relate to 'human rights'? How do they differ from 'Freedom of expression'?
Ce Manuel, ainsi que les rapports de recherche et les trousses à outils connexes, ont été élaborés dans le cadre d’un projet faisant intervenir cinq équipes de recherche de différents pays travaillant avec un groupe de coordination CRIS.
This handbook was developed by five research teams from around the world, as part of the project, Communication Rights Assessment Framework and Toolkit (CRAFT). The handbook was developed as a tool to assist an assessment of the current state and ongoing dynamics of communication rights, and is designed for use by civil society organizations and institutions.