Towards the Democratisation of Public Communication: The Need to Reconsider the Criteria for News

By Michael Traber - 1987

These reflections fall into the broad category of public philosophy of communication, or communication ethics. All philosophy and all ethics analyse phenomena, or reality, from the perspective of certain principles. The normative framework from which I proceed is the humanistic concept of the ultimate value and dignity of the human being, and therefore of the essential equality of all persons – not just before the law, but more fundamentally in their right to participate in the public realm.

Africa Media Review, 2 (1987), No. 66-75. Republished in Communicating Peace: Entertaining Angels Unawares (ed. Philip Lee), Penang: Southbound (2008). PDF.


By Michael Traber| 1987


Communication rights enable all people everywhere to express themselves individually and collectively by all means of communication. They are vital to full participation in society and are, therefore, universal human rights belonging to every man, woman, and child.


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