The Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet

By Internet Rights & Principles Coalition - 2013

The Internet Rights & Principles Dynamic Coalition is an international network of individuals and organizations working to uphold human rights in the online environment and across the spectrum of internet policy-making domains. Its flagship document, the Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet covers the whole gambit of human rights drawing on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other covenants that make up the International Bill of Human Rights at the United Nations. It is the outcome of work from many people and organisations over the years and is growing in stature as others start to apply its 23 clauses to specific situations.

The goal of the IRP Charter is to provide a recognizable framework anchored in international human rights for upholding and advancing human rights for the online environment. This goal breaks down into three main objectives: To provide
(1) A reference point for dialogue and cooperation between different stakeholder priorities for the internet’s design, access, and use around the world.
(2) An authoritative document that can frame policy decisions and emerging rights-based norms for the local, national, and global dimensions of internet governance.
(3) A policy-making and advocacy tool for governments, businesses, and civil society groups committed to developing rights-based principles for the internet.

Internet Rights & Principles Coalition (2013). PDF


By Internet Rights & Principles Coalition| 2013
Categories:  The Internet


Communication rights enable all people everywhere to express themselves individually and collectively by all means of communication. They are vital to full participation in society and are, therefore, universal human rights belonging to every man, woman, and child.


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