Media and Gender: A Scholarly Agenda for the Global Alliance on Media and Gender

By Aimée Vega Montiel - 2014

The aim of this publication, prepared by IAMCR and UNESCO ahead of the Global Forum on Media and Gender, held in Bangkok, Thailand in December 2013, is to show some of the most significant scholarly contributions related to both knowledge and action towards expanding women’s human right to communicate. It is to apply the political weight of feminist theory toward the real-life practical advancement of women in society.

I. Violence of gender, media and information
Aimée Vega Montiel: Violence against women and media: advancements and challenges of a research and political agenda
Barbara Ann Barnett: Sex trafficking in mass media: gender, power and personal economies
Peter J. Kareithi: Hegemonic masculinity in media contents
Annabelle Sreberny: Violence against women journalists

II. Women’s access to media and information
Carolyn Byerly: The long struggle of women in news
Karen Ross: Women in decision-making structures in media
Marjan de Bruin: Gender and newsroom cultures
María Eugenia Chávez: Scheherezades: a thousand and one stories of women in community radio
Cecilia Castaño Collado: Women’s access to ICTs in the information society

III. Gender media policy and strategies
Claudia Padovani: Gaps in media and communication governance: towards a gender-aware research and advocacy agenda
Ammu Joseph: Action, reaction, introspection, rectification
Katharine Sarikakis: Power, patriarchy, profit: barriers to gender mainstreaming in media policy

IV. Gender, education and media and information literacy
Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh: Gender mainstreaming in journalism education
Jad Melki & May Farah: Educating media professionals with a gender and critical media literacy perspective: how to battle gender discrimination and sexual harassment in the media workplace
Alton Grizzle: Enlisting media and informational literacy for gender equality and women’s empowerment

UNESCO (2014). PDF.


By Aimée Vega Montiel| 2014


Communication rights enable all people everywhere to express themselves individually and collectively by all means of communication. They are vital to full participation in society and are, therefore, universal human rights belonging to every man, woman, and child.


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