Internal and international aspects

By Wolfgang Kleinwachter - 1983

From the beginning of mankind, communication between people was the fundamental circumstance of self-realization of man and socio-economic development. The right to communicate in this sense is a natural human right. But, in our present-day world, communication has increasingly become an influential aspect of international relations. If we want above all to clarify the concept of the right to communicate, we will need a generally recognized methodological approach. Against the background of the discussions on the right to communicate, it seems very necessary to analyze more in depth the international dimensions of this concept, especially the interrelationship between the right and such fundamental principles of international law as sovereign equality, non-interference, self-determination and international cooperation. To date, the right remains unclear and unrecognized; it calls for further analysis and elaboration.

By Wolfgang Kleinwachter| 1983
Categories:  Concepts


Communication rights enable all people everywhere to express themselves individually and collectively by all means of communication. They are vital to full participation in society and are, therefore, universal human rights belonging to every man, woman, and child.


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