A sociological view

By Pavel Campeanu - 1983

It is not concepts that change history. Rather, history itself engenders the necessity of its own change and, concomitantly, new concepts arise which are likely to stimulate and reflect it adequately. Such is the case of the concept of the right to communicate. In recent years, the concept of the right to communicate has considerably advanced. This papers discuses from the sociological point of view, what are the problems in the present stage of its development? From the sociological point of view, the items that need to be consolidated at the present stage of the elaboration of right to communicate include: the approach, owing to an increasing openness to the general historical and social context; the strategy of implementation, by strongly increasing the social audience of the obtained findings, and others.

By Pavel Campeanu| 1983
Categories:  Concepts


Communication rights enable all people everywhere to express themselves individually and collectively by all means of communication. They are vital to full participation in society and are, therefore, universal human rights belonging to every man, woman, and child.


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